
What Type Of Cancer Requires A Screening Where A Lighted Camera Is Inserted Into The Rectum?

A sigmoidoscopy is a exam that looks at the rectum and lower part of the big intestine. "Colon" is the medical term for the large intestine, and the sigmoid colon is the lower part. The sigmoid colon ends in the rectum. Waste collects in the rectum and leaves your body when you have a bowel motion.

The drawing below shows the different parts of the colon and rectum.

This analogy shows the five sections of the colon and rectum. The ascending colon is the beginning the large intestine into which the small intestine empties; it begins on the lower right side of the belly and then leads upwards to the transverse colon. The transverse colon crosses the top of the abdomen from right to left, leading to the descending colon, which takes waste downwardly the left side. Finally, the sigmoid colon at the bottom takes waste material a few more inches, down to the rectum. A cantankerous-section of the rectum and sigmoid colon shows where waste leaves the body, through the anus. Copyright 2004 American Society of Clinical Oncology. Robert Morreale/Visual Explanations, LLC.

A sigmoidoscopy is 1 way to look for colorectal cancer or other growths. This includes small growths chosen polyps. Polyps are not cancer, merely they can turn into cancer. You might also have this test to wait for the crusade of bowel problems. These can include haemorrhage, a change in bowel movements, or other problems.

How does a sigmoidoscopy work?

This exam uses a thin, flexible tube with a low-cal and camera on one end. Your doctor places this end in the anus. And then they push it gently up through the rectum into the lower colon. They can see within the colon through a small scope on the tube or on a video monitor.

How is a sigmoidosocopy different from a colonoscopy?

Both a sigmoidoscopy and a colonoscopy are screening tests to look for colorectal cancer. The divergence between the 2 tests is the part of the colon they allow the physician to come across. A sigmoidoscopy is less invasive, because information technology merely looks at the lower part of your colon. A colonoscopy looks at the entire big intestine.

If your doctor finds polyps during your sigmoidoscopy, you lot will probably need a colonoscopy. Information technology is important because if y'all have polyps in the lower colon, there is a good chance you take them elsewhere, too. Your doctor can remove the polyps before they turn into cancer.

Who will practise my sigmoidoscopy?

A physician specializing in the digestive system usually does information technology. It may likewise exist done by a surgeon, family exercise doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. A nurse will probably aid with the exam.

How should I get ready for a sigmoidoscopy?

When you schedule the examination, your dr.'south function will tell y'all how to go ready. Be sure to follow their instructions advisedly to avert affecting your exam results. Talk with the staff most the following topics, and enquire questions about any information that is unclear or apropos to you.

What to consume. You may need to eat a liquid diet for up to 24 hours before the examination. Allowed liquids often include fatty-free bouillon or broth, blackness coffee, strained fruit juice, and gelatin.

Empty your colon. Your lower colon must exist empty for the md to examine it. Y'all will need an enema or strong laxatives earlier the test. Be sure to follow your medico's instructions. You lot volition take this the night before or the same mean solar day.

If your doc prescribes a laxative, information technology volition exist a pill or a powder y'all mix with h2o before drinking. Once you lot take it, y'all volition take bowel movements often until your colon is empty. Make sure you are virtually a bath during this time.

What to vesture. You lot volition exist given a hospital gown to wear during the test. You exercise non demand to wear anything special to your appointment.

Your medications and health history. Ask if you should have your usual medications on the day of the examination. This includes any prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, and supplements you take. You may demand to stop taking medications that increment your risk of bleeding for a few days before the test. These medications include aspirin and other blood thinners. Likewise, allow the staff know if you have any medical weather.

Allergies. Let the medical staff know nigh any drug allergies or other allergies you have.

Insurance, cost, and consent. If you are concerned almost the price of your exam, contact your insurance company beforehand. Enquire how much of the price yous will accept to pay.

When you arrive for your test, you lot will be asked to sign a consent class. This course says you sympathise the benefits and risks of the procedure and agree to accept it. Be sure to enquire the wellness care team nearly any questions or concerns you have.

What happens during a sigmoidoscopy?

A sigmoidoscopy usually takes 15 to xx minutes.

When yous arrive for your sigmoidoscopy, you will change into a hospital gown. The doc will inquire yous to prevarication on your side on an test table. They volition put a canvass over your body so everything is covered except the test area.

Then, the dr. volition gently place the small, thin tube in your rectum. They volition use the tube to blow some air into your colon. The air blows it up a bit so it is easier to meet through the scope. You might experience bloated or similar you need to go to the bathroom. Next, the md volition gently button the tube up through your rectum into your lower colon.

If the doctor finds a polyp in your colon, they can remove it or take a sample. They will transport information technology to a laboratory. A specialist chosen a pathologist will examine the sample under a microscope to look for cancer.

Is a sigmoidoscopy painful?

Y'all may feel some discomfort but non pain. You will probably not have anesthesia, but your doctor may give y'all medication to aid you relax and make you sleepy.

If y'all do first to feel pain at any time, tell your doctor. They tin can move the tube to aid you experience more comfortable.

What happens after sigmoidoscopy?

You can expect to get back to normal activities immediately. This includes driving, unless the doctor gave you medicine to help y'all relax. If so, you volition be sleepy after the test. You may want to arrange ahead of fourth dimension for a friend or family fellow member to bulldoze you home.

You might take cramps or feel swollen at first. This unremarkably goes away in a few hours. You might pass gas and even have some diarrhea equally you release the air that the medico put into your colon.

You might notice a modest amount of haemorrhage from your rectum. This is normal. Nevertheless, telephone call your doctor if you continue haemorrhage or if you accept claret clots. Also call if you lot have:

  • Abdominal pain (belly pain)

  • Dizziness

  • Weakness

  • Fever of 100 F (37.8 C)

Questions to ask the health care team

Before a sigmoidoscopy, y'all might want to ask your health care team these questions.

  • Who will do this test? Will anyone else be in the room during the examination?

  • What can I swallow or drink earlier the test?

  • Tin can I take my regular medications the day of the test? If not, when can I accept them again?

  • How else tin I prepare for this exam?

  • What are the benefits and risks of this exam?

  • Do I need someone to bulldoze me abode afterwards? Should I avoid whatever activities?

  • When will I get the results, and who will explain them?

  • Volition I need other tests?

Related Resource

Types of Endoscopy

Cancer Screening

More than Information

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

National Cancer Institute: Colorectal Cancer Screening


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