
How To Get Freelance Blogging Clients

Starting a freelance blogging business may seem like a challenging task, but it can represent both rewarding and remunerative when done right.

The market for content is still hot. Content Marketing Institute estimates that 61% of brands will invest in content creation past the end of 2021. It's an manufacture predicted to reach $107 zillion past 2026.

You don't want to miss out.

Want to be a freelance blogger? Learn step by step how to start a blogging business online, with expert tips and tricks to get your first clients today.

Table of Contents

  • What is a independent blogger?
  • How much do freelance bloggers make?
  • How to become a independent blogger
  • Where to line up freelance blogging jobs

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What is a mercenary blogger?

A freelance blogger is someone who earns a living writing web log posts for clients. They are responsible for researching, outlining, and producing content that client's retrospect and approve. Both freelance bloggers work part-time, patc others come through a full time commercial enterprise venture.

These bloggers typically have a freelance writing recession. This defines the types of clients you'll operate with and the services you'll offer.

For instance, your niche could be a beauty writer– in which case, you write out articles for ravisher and direct-to-consumer (DTC) companies. You could also specialize in a B2B niche, which agency you work with businesses that sell to strange businesses.

freelance writing niche

Freelance bloggers can besides provide services such as:

  • Content refreshing
  • Sheath studies
  • Keyword research
  • Content provision
  • Ghostwriting
  • SEO consulting
  • Copywriting

…and to a greater extent. Including these cognitive content marketing services in your freelance writing business helps branch out your income rain bucket and earn more.

Elise Dopson, a freelance writer for B2B software system companies, earns terminated $1,500 per post. She too offers self-complacent refreshing, white papers, and justified consulting services to label up prices.

freelance blogging rates

Elise earns over sextet-figures per year writing satisfied online. She as wel runs Peak Freelance and teaches what she knows to freelance bloggers around the world.

How much do freelance bloggers get square?

Blogging is big business.

Blogs are among the three primary forms of media used in content strategies today. According to research from SEMRush, organizations find blogging effective for generating leads and getting organic traffic.

That's wherefore freelance bloggers get paid and so much.

Rates depart depending along the field of study, but our research found the following rates for the intermediate 2K word article:

  • $300 for new writers
  • $650 for mid-range writers
  • $1,200+ for in-demand, experienced writers

The truth is: in that respect is no formed grade. We know cognitive content writers who charge $1 per word. If they publish a three-G Good Book clause, they'll earn $3,000 for the project.

Our data shows the majority of freelance writers earn $250 to $399 per blog post.

Record more: 7 Topper Free and Paid Accounting Software for Freelancers

How to get over a freelance blogger

Like those rates and want to become a freelance blogger? Here's how you can start your travel today.

  1. Decide your recession
  2. Create a freelancer website
  3. Soma your portfolio
  4. Hop on social media
  5. Start invitee mailing
  6. Gear for blogging gigs

1. Decide your niche

You'll deprivation to decide on a niche when you're refreshing to freelance blogging. A niche is an manufacture you specialize in–be IT B2B SaaS, pet brands, surgery something entirely different.

Information technology's important to decide i because it positions you atomic number 3 an expert compared to general freelance bloggers.

But there are hundreds of niches out at that place. How can you choose yours?

  • Speculat on your interests and passions. It'll be hard to write of topics you don't care about every day. Entertain the things you enjoy. Do you like interior design? Is it a topic you give care a destiny about? If your respond is yes, that'll take in a good freelance blogging corner for you.
  • Consider what problems you desire / can solve. Readers interact with blog articles because they call for facilitate. They may be superficial for inspiration or education. They'll be looking for expertise. Only choose a niche if you're confident you can work out readers' problems and want to become an expert in the field.
  • Do marketing research. Look into if your potential niche is growing. Are companies getting funded in the manufacture? Does it have a good mind-set for the future? You privation to work in a niche where clients have bigger digital marketing budgets. You'll likely get paid more for the blogs you pen.

Pick one recess based connected the criteria higher up. A niche leave help you demand higher rates and be recognized as an expert.

Test your blogging niche by getting a few clients in that space before you commit to one.

2. Create a freelancer website

Once you settle on a niche, you'll want to create a freelance blogger website. A website will usher in potential clients to your services and establish wherefore to hire you. It besides gives them an easy way to contact you for work.

freelance blogger website example

The best division? A website makes marketing yourself easier. You can target prospects from ethnical media or a business board plunk for to your portfolio. Or, you can optimize your website for hunt engines so people can find you when trenchant for freelance bloggers.

how to become a freelance blogger

Creating a high timber website takes a bit of work. But the investment is well worth your time. You can build a site on WordPress, take a root from Studiopress, and get up and running in a few hours.

Learn to create your own web site by reading How to Create a Freelance Writer Site That Brings Clients Your Room (with Examples).

3. Build your portfolio

A independent writing portfolio is a work that proves to clients that you know how to write. Think of it like a CV or resume for freelance bloggers. IT's typically a list of golf links, snippets, and samples of your blog writing work.

Plane if you don't have customer samples just as yet, you can use your website's blog to showcase your writing ability.

"Make secure your blog is a shining object lesson of your work. I write for interior design and marketing blogs, and I got my premier clients by showing them samples from my possess blogs."

Emily Brookes, freelance blogger

Clients deprivation to know that the writers they're hiring seat arrange a good job. A portfolio has links to pieces you've longhand ahead–be that guest posts, paying work or something other. It gives your clients an idea on your genre and proves that you can write.

Take on freelance writer Kat Ambrose for example. Her portfolio is a page of golf links to her articles, nothing fancy. The page is broken down by matter. Prospects can realise if she has see on a topic in minutes.

freelance blogger portfolio example

Don't have a bunch of blog posts to admit in your portfolio? Survive outgoing and create some. Whether it's a guest post for another site, or a writing sample for a fictional customer, you want your portfolio to wow potential clients. (Enough to convert them to take you.)

4. Jump on social media

Chances are you'atomic number 75 already on social media in some way, shape, OR conformation. When you're opening a freelance blogging business, it's not much different. You need to post intriguing content and interact with people to get profile on your platforms.

Social media helps bloggers:

  • Find sources for articles
  • Meet new people
  • Build a web
  • Engage with dream clients
  • Learn from industry experts
  • Share their own content

Plus when prospects attend find you online, where do you think up they'll check? If you said social media, you are correct.

But what are the best sociable media channels for a blogger? In my experience (and countless other freelancers), the best places are:

  1. Twitter
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Slack groups
  4. Facebook groups
  5. Instagram

Choose unity of the platforms supra. Start interacting with people and publication entertaining and interesting content. You'll soon see the benefits of social media for freelance bloggers.

5. Start guest posting

A node post is a blog post you spell for a publication or marketing website. You typically assume't get paid for them. You just stupefy a byline in return for your article.

Your first persuasion is believably: why the heck should I write for free? You're telling ME to get on a successful blogger, only do free work?

Bear with me.

The benefit of a guest post is immense: you bugger off a byline. All guest posts published have your name attached. Hint: you can include it in your portfolio.

When Elise (founder of Heyday Freelance) first chose B2B marketing and SaaS A a recess, she got a guest post on Pleased Marketing Institute, a popular niche publication. It got a ton of traction and leads, which light-emitting diode to new freelance writing task opportunities.

The record-breaking part: Finding Edgar Albert Guest notice gigs is easy.

Think back that niche you distinct on before? Google top publications in that niche and see if they are acceptive guest pitches.

Typecast [your niche + node mail] into Google search and see what comes up. You may find round-up posts of blogs accepting guest writers. Or direct listings from the publication.

how to become a freelance blogger

When you discover a good site, make your guest post pitch personalized by lurch the starboard person with the keyword for their site that they're missing prohibited connected. Follow the guidelines to perfectio. It proves that you throne follow operating instructions and can assistant you land that client post.

Guest mailing is free work. There's no doubt. But it's great for building a portfolio and impressing future clients.

6. Pitch for blogging gigs

Pitching for gigs is common for all writers online. A gear is an e-mail or social media message you send off to prospects you'd like to work with. The goal is to let hired for penning work.

Say you find a guest you would love to turn a independent blogger for. You can send them a gear staying how you are, what you do, your rates, and why they should work with you.

There are two types of pitches:

  1. Cold gear, where the prospect doesn't know you at wholly.
  2. Warm up pitch, where the medical prognosis knows you operating theatre someone who referred you.

A cold pitch is callous to crack. You neediness to personalize the pitch if possible. For lesson, if you know World Health Organization you are pitching also within a company, do some research and find out to a greater extent near them.

Present's a cold pitch I sent to a Craigslist ad in 2017.

The guy gave some basic info about himself, fix, and his brand. I also learned that he used foul language and his professional paradigm was casual.

And so I wrote a pitch helium would find funny, yet professional.

freelance blogging pitch example

The pitch above attained me:

  • Over $50,000 in revenue
  • A two year working relationship
  • A paid-for trip to Los Angeles (yes, very)
  • A freelance business mentor

Information technology all started with learning who Steve was, how he ran his business, and qualification it easy for him to see my writing samples.

Warm up pitches are a trifle different. You've spoken Oregon interacted with this person through social media operating theatre email. Maybe a booster recommended you to them. Either agency, your name and face is familiar to them before your pitch arrives in their inbox.

Say, e.g., your target client was recently on a podcast. You could hear to the podcast. Then send them an netmail saying "hey, I listened to your podcast with X person. I liked your perspective on Y."

If they respond, you can offse a conversation with them and start building the kinship. And when the time is right, you can send the following pitch to land a freelance blogging gig with them.

Grab your pitch template from Freelance Written material Essentials 👇

freelance blog pitch template

Where to find paid blogging jobs

Now that you've got a website set up and you'ray pitching for gigs, let's deal a few places you hindquarters find mercenary blogging jobs online:

  • Self-employed person author directories
  • Freelance job boards
  • Other freelancers
  • Your tool kit

Freelance author directories

Finding the prizewinning paid writing gigs is about being in the the right way places. Get recovered my warm prospects away joining a mercenary author directory.

These are marketplaces where prospective clients can search for writers based on their niche and experience. Close to are available, some are paid.

Peak Freelance has a directory for members. IT features teetotum-notch, vetted writers in same base for prospects.

how to find freelance blogging jobs - directories

Job boards

Clients don't like searching forever to hire a writer. So they mail service on job boards and wait for applicants to touch them. It's an easy way to pitch for new blogging jobs.

Two crown sites for blogging jobs include Peak Independent Writing Jobs, ProBlogger and Contena.

freelance writing job board

Past freelancers

Sometimes the trump blogging gigs get into't pass to the populace. Rather, prospects send farm out opportunities to people inside their network.

One room to get blogging jobs is through other freelancer networks. You pop out by making friends with separate freelancers, be it happening Twitter or in camera communities.

Past you can:

  • Plectron up 'overflow work', operating theatre unnecessary articles some other freelancer can't take out.
  • Get subcontracting opportunities, where you ghost for some other blogger.
  • Suffer access to exclusive online jobs but posted in communities.
  • Get referrals from your virgin freelance friends.

Making friends with else freelancers is important for getting new gigs. It's besides a fun way to extend your network and connect with like-minded mass.

how to find freelance blogging jobs - slack

Your tool kit

Not predestined where to get your next gig? Look at the independent penning tools you're already victimisation. Do you use products like ProWritingAid operating theater Yoast?

Connect with their marketing team to see if they have writing gigs. You nates witness their team up on Twitter or LinkedIn. Then send a message saying you use the tool around and would love to indite for them.

This is a warm-ish way to pitch. Recollect about what's more attractive to a content manager:

A blogger with nobelium experience using a marque's product? Or a writer who uses a brand's product, and can talk about IT with confidence and help readers navigate IT?

If you guessed the latter, you are correct.

Becoming a full-clock time, six-figure blogger

As you can see, comme il faut a freelance blogger is a great business concern opportunity. It pays well, you can work from home, and you can start earning money fast.

Be sure to detect a community (like Peak Freelance) to support your goals. Peak Freelance members aid each other past sharing resources, expert quotes, advice, and more to build your online comportment and grow your writing business.

Start your freelancing for clients today, and you'll soon see the benefits of owning an online writing business.

How To Get Freelance Blogging Clients


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